Hours of Business

Currently running on Winter Hours

Tuesday 12am - 4pm
Wednesday 12am - 4pm
Thursday 12am - 4pm
Friday 12am - 4pm
Saturday 12am - 4pm

Allsortz has been one of those businesses that had been niggling away in the back of the owners mind for years. Cheryl has extensive business knowledge from managing and owning a multitude of different business. From stores to a hotel, But this one, this one was different. Years of research, both for suppliers and potential customers all came to a head in the summer of 2017. Now was the time.


So Allsortz was born.


Research indicated that there was a huge gulf between new and used clothing. Not just the obvious like how new clothing uses resources our planet can barely cope with. But also the glaring difference in quality. Today's new clothing is generally seen as throw away. Not in the lets recycle kind of way, but almost like its designed to only last the season "if you're lucky". Fashion Clothing has built in obsolescence. Now these clothing are cheap, cheap in every respect. Cost, quality etc. Now a memory from her childhood continued to work its way back to her conscious. It was a suit. Her fathers suit. A quality suit, But you generally can't find that kind of quality in the big chain stores around here. Nope not at all.

So back to suppliers. Cheryl found a couple of suppliers that imported used clothing from the very afluent areas of the US. Ahh she thought - Quality. Now after months of negotiation in regards to the import duties, shipping not to mention the clothes themselves. A deal was struck. And so Allsortz opened its doors.


Allsortz is a store dedicated to offering its customers a great deal, it's designed to tempt you away from the cheap throwaway fashion, that seems to be the norm now. As all the clothing is unique to the store, you can rest assured that you won't see someone else in there buying the exact same dress, or suit. You can mix and match as you please and save a fortune whilst looking fantastic. Each piece saying more about you than the "me too" that swarms us all. Each piece doing its part for the environment, each piece offering you quality that you may not otherwise have enjoyed. All this in a clean, welcoming, safe, fresh enviroment.


So who exactly is Allsortz aimed at? Why, it's you dear reader. Someone who cares about the bottom dollar, Someone who wants their dollar to go as far as it possibly can. Someone who is an individual. Someone who cares about this planet we have. Someone who understands the difference between cheap and frugal. Someone who can differentiate between cost and value. Someone who knows their own mind. That dear reader is who Allsortz is squarely aimed at. And judging from our returning customers. They like what they see. Drop in and see what everyone is talking about.

About Allsortz


Dropped into Allsortz for the very first time today as I was passing. Wasnt expecting much - well from a second hand store. You know!

Wow. Its nice inside, racks and racks of clothes in size order. Its smelt fresh not that musky aroma that only a second hand store can give you. But...

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Melissa K

Melissa K

Stopped at Allsortz today. I bought a $45.00 columbia jacket for $7.00 and a pair of Christian dior dress pants for my husband for $5.00 I don't even want to hazzard a guess how much they would be. So love this little gem of a store. Will be back for sure.

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Stacy G

Stacy G

We drove up to Parrsboro from the Valley, Whilst on a walk we were all caught in a downpoor. entire family was soaked. After frantically visiting stores in Parrsboro for a cost effective solution to our predicament. A couple of people suggested Allsortz. So we dropped in Masks on still sopping...

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John Kestral

John Kestral

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